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Covid-19 SBC President Announcement

Dear Members,

When I took over as President of the Club a few years’ ago, I never for one moment imagined I would need to take the steps we are now having to take as a Club. I know that these measures will be hard on you all and will significantly affect the Club but we do not have any option. Recent changes to Government advice as well as advice provided by British Rowing and other national sports governing bodies and the severity of the situation mean we have no choice.

The Committee has considered the current situation and the available guidance and approved those measures set out below to be taken by the Club in order to reduce the risk of infection within the Club’s membership and from Club members to others. These restrictions apply not only to Staines Boat Club but also to any Club or other group who use our facility such as Royal Holloway, British Airways and the martial arts group (all of whom will be separately contacted and informed of the Committee’s decision).

These restrictions will commence from Midnight on March 17th and remain in place until Midnight April 30th.

During this time, the Committee will continue to monitor Government and British Rowing advice and may take additional steps. Should Government advice still be in place at the end of April, the Committee will revisit the situation and determine what appropriate measures are required and will communicate that to the membership at that time. We will remove restrictions as soon as it is considered safe and appropriate to do so.

The Restrictions which the Club is putting in place are as follows:

Social Events

ll planned social events are cancelled. Once restrictions are lifted, we will see what we can do to rearrange events. If anyone has purchased tickets for the Cocktail Evening or Dinner Dance, we will arrange a refund in due course. Please let me know.

Indoor Training Sessions

  • All indoor training sessions are cancelled. This applies to group/ squad sessions and individual training. Individual training is included in this limitation because the Committee see the risk that several individuals will train at the same time inside and that would then constitute a "group" and be contrary to Government advice.

Water based training sessions

  • All squad based water sessions are cancelled

  • All crew boat usage is prohibited

  • Nobody is permitted to use SBC single sculls

  • Individual members who have private single sculls stored at the Clubhouse will be permitted still to use their boats provided that when they do so, they do not enter the existing Clubhouse other than to collect blades. That means they will not have access to toilet or shower facilities or secure storage for car keys, phones and other valuables. Any such use by individual members will be entirely at their risk. They will, of course, need to adhere to the Club's normal navigation and safety rules.

New Clubhouse Works

These will continue under the supervision of Jeremy Pollen and he ha the Committee’s authorisation to take whatever measures he sees fit to limit numbers on site and activities during this time.


There are boats on both trailers at present which need to be unloaded, re-rigged and put away inside the new Clubhouse. Juniors will do this on the morning or Saturday March 21st and the Masters will do this on the morning of Sunday 22nd. Both at times to be advised by relevant coaches or squad coordinators.

During this period of disruption, we will do all we can to remain in contact across squads, across the whole Club and I have asked the coaches to see what they can prepare for training plans while the Club is closed. By doing this, the Club will be as well placed as possible to recommence activities as soon as Government restrictions are eased.

At this time, the most important thing is that you and your families remain safe and that you follow Government advice on self-isolation and avoiding unnecessary contact and travel.

Staines Boat Club survived the Spanish Flu pandemic in 1920 and I know that, with your help, it will survive the Covid-19 pandemic and quickly return to being the Club we all know.

Thank you for your cooperation in following these restrictions. If anyone has any questions on these restrictions, please feel free to contact me on

Yours sincerely,

Alan Douglas


Staines Boat Club

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